Buzgar N., Apopei A. I., Buzatu A. (2009) - Romanian Database of Raman Spectroscopy (
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Formula: |
SrCO3 |
Crystal Data: |
Crystal System: Orthorhombic - Dipyramidal |
Point Group: 2/m 2/m 2/m |
Cell Data: |
Space Group: Pmcn, a = 5.107, b = 8.414, c = 6.029, Z = 4 |
Density (calc.) = 3.78 and V = 259.07 Å3 |
Element color: Sr, C, O |
![]() |
Sample no. 5432 from the "Mineralogy and Petrography Museum Grigore Cobălcescu" of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi. Origin: Drensteinfurt – Germany. Click image to enlarge |
The characteristic Raman band due to the external vibration mode (M-CO3) at 242 cm-1, and the ν1 internal mode (symmetric stretching) at 1069 cm-1 are easily distinguished. In the Raman spectrum of the strontianite sample don't have values below 200 cm-1 because the spectral range is between 200-3400 cm-1.
This spectrum is governed by the very strong Raman line (1069 cm-1) atributed to the ν1 symmetric stretching mode of the carbonate group. The ν4 mode of CO3 has values at 700 cm-1. The ν2 vibration mode is not observed in this study; ν3 vibration are observed at 1445 and 1543 cm-1.
The frequencies of all Raman bands observed in Strontianite, Aragonite and Witherite can not be corelated with the atomic masses of the cations.
Buzgar et al., 20091 | Krishnamurti, 1960 | Assignment |
242 | 246 | T(Sr,CO3) |
700 | 701 711 |
ν4 symmetric deformation |
NO | 855 | ν2 asymmetric deformation |
1069 | 1074 | ν1 symmetric stretch |
1445 1543 |
1408 1438 1447 |
ν3 asymmetric stretching |
• The Mineralogy Database [link]
• Crystal data (.cif file) from the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database [link]
• 1BUZGAR N., APOPEI A. I. (2009) - The Raman study on certain carbonates. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii “Al. I. Cuza” - Iasi, Tome 55, issue 2, 97-112 [link]
• KRISHNAMURTI D. (1960) - The Raman spectra of aragonite, strontianite and witherite. Indian Academy of Sciences [link]