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Buzgar N., Apopei A. I., Buzatu A. (2009) - Romanian Database of Raman Spectroscopy (

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Alexandru Ioan Cuza UniversityFaculty of Geography and Geology

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Subjects: Publications | Raman Data Search and Storage | Raman Spectroscopy Firefox theme

Publications and presentations

  • 2013 Buzatu N., Buzgar N., Damian G., Vasilache V., Apopei A. I. - The determination of the Fe content in natural sphalerites by means of Raman spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 68, p. 220–224. []

  • 2013 Buzgar N., Apopei A. I., Buzatu A. - Characterization and source of Cucuteni black pigment (Romania): vibrational spectrometry and XRD study. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, (4), p. 2128-2135. []

  • 2012 Apopei A. I., Damian G., Buzgar N. - A preliminary Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic study of secondary hydrated sulfate minerals from the Hondol open pit (Metaliferi Mts., ROMANIA). Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits, 85, 2, p.1-6. [link]

  • 2012 Buzatu A., Damian G., Buzgar N. - Raman and Infrared studies of weathering products from Baia Sprie ore deposit (ROMANIA). Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits, 85, 2, p.7-10. [link]

  • 2011 Apopei A. I., Buzgar N., Buzatu A. - Raman and infrared spectroscopy of kaersutite and certain common amphiboles. Anal. Şt. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Geologie, LVII/2. [link]

  • 2011 Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I., Aştefanei D., Topoleanu F. - Raman study of the brownish-yellow pigment from a Roman Basilica (Dobrogea, Romania – 4th – 6th century A.D. Anal. Şt. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Geologie, LVII/2. [link]

  • 2010 Buzgar N., Bodi G., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I., Aştefanei D. - Raman and XRD studies of black pigment from Cucuteni ceramics. Anal. Şt. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Geologie, LVI/2. [link]

  • 2010 Buzatu A., Buzgar N. - The Raman study of single-chain silicates. Anal. Şt. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Geologie, LVI/1. [link]

  • 2010 Apopei A. I., Buzgar N. - The Raman study of amphiboles. Anal. Şt. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Geologie, LVI/1. [link]

  • 2010 Buzgar N., Bodi G., Aştefanei D., Buzatu A. – The Raman study of white, red and black pigments used in Cucuteni Neolithic painted ceramics. Anal. Şt. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Geologie, 56/1, 5-14. [link]

  • 2009 Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Sanislav I. V. - The Raman study of certain sulfates. Anal. Şt. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Geologie, 55/1, 5-23. [link]

  • 2009 Buzgar N., Apopei A. I. - The Raman study of certain carbonates. Anal. Şt. Univ. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Geologie, LV/2, 98-112. [link]

  • *

  • 2012 Apopei A. I., Damian G., Buzgar N. – A preliminary Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic study of secondary hydrated sulfate minerals from the Hondol open pit (Metaliferi Mts., Romania). The Eighth International Symposium on Economic Geology. September 13th - 16th, 2012, Brad., ROMANIA.

  • 2012 Buzatu A., Damian G., Buzgar N. – Raman and Infrared studies of weathering products from Baia Sprie ore deposit (ROMANIA). The Eighth International Symposium on Economic Geology. September 13th - 16th, 2012, Brad., ROMANIA.

  • 2011 Buzgar N., Apopei A. I., Buzatu A. – Sursa și compoziția pigmentului negru de pe ceramica cucuteniană. National Symposium “Mircea Savul”, Iaşi.

  • 2011 Apopei A. I., Vandenabeele P., Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Lycke S. – Spectroscopia Raman și FT-IR a unor amfiboli. National Symposium “Mircea Savul”, Iaşi.

  • 2011 Buzgar N., Diaconu V., Apopei A. I., Buzatu A. – Raman study of two late bronze age stone artefacts from Neamţ county (Romania). First Arheoinvest Congress. Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology; 10-11 June, 2011, Iasi.

  • 2010 Buzgar N., Cotiugă V., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I. - Identification of the pigments from historical monuments frescoes using Raman Spectroscopy. Simpozionul Naţional de Arheometrie, Bucuresti, 28-29 Octombrie 2010.

  • 2010 Buzgar N., Bodi G., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I. - Studiul Raman si XRD al pigmentului negru de pe ceramica cucuteniana / Raman and XRD studies of black pigment from Cucuteni ceramics. Simpozionul Naţional de Arheometrie, Bucuresti, 28-29 Octombrie 2010.

  • 2010 Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I., Cotiugă V., Topoleanu F. - Mineral pigments of Greco-Roman and Byzantine ages from Dobrogea. International Symposium: Geology of Natural Systems - Geo Iasi 2010 September 1 - 4, 2010 Iasi, Romania.

  • 2009 Buzgar N., Bârliba L., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I. - The Raman study of some pigments from Greek-Roman and byzantine era on Dobrogea artefacts. National Symposium “Mircea Savul”, Iaşi.

  • 2009 Buzgar N., Aştefanei D., Bodi G., Buzatu A. - Studiul Raman al pigmenţilor alb, roşu şi negru de pe ceramica cucuteniană din Moldova. Simpozionul naţional “Mircea Savul”, Iaşi.

  • 2008 Buzgar N., Apopei A. I. - The study of some carbonates with Raman spectrography. National Symposium “Mircea Savul”, Iaşi.

  • 2008 Buzgar N., Buzatu A. - Studiul unor sulfaţi prin spectrografie Raman. Simpozionul naţional “Mircea Savul”, Iaşi.

Raman Data Search and Storage (RDSS)

Raman Data Search and Storage (RDSS) software was developed as an analytical tool for a fast and accurate identification of unknown minerals by comparison of their spectra with the indexed library of data. A search function was implemented to enable users to find a specific peak value. Using the asterisk character (*) as a placeholder for one or more unknown peak value(s), the software will return the best match(es). Besides the search utility by the Raman band positions, which was proven to be priceless in the interpretation of Raman spectra, the RDSS software gives the user the ability to display and inspect the Raman spectra quickly and very efficiently. Users can zoom into the Raman spectrum, shift in any direction the wavenumber and the intensity axes, and if any part of the spectral display is clicked, that region will be highlighted and the specific wavenumber returned. A photo for every sample entry stored in the database is also available.

For more information (download, screenshots) about RDSS project, you can go to the official website of Raman Data Search and Storage application

This area (software development) is new to me, reason for beginning to 'explore'. For any proposal don't hesitate to contact me on this e-mail adress:

Last update: 21 March 2013